Thursday, August 05, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should Safe Distancing Enforcement Officer search homes without warrants?
2. Should the govt impose restrictions on private tuition?

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  1. 2. Should the govt impose restrictions on private tuition?

    No Tuition.

    1) The whole country would be in agony from withdrawal symptoms. The feeling of rugs being pulled from under them.

    2) Collection of GST could decrease.

    3) Births could increase, due to lower costs in child rearing.

  2. A comparison between Bill and Hillary Clinton. Bill is a gifted politician. Bill is natural.
    Hillary is merely a striver and can never be an equal to Bill. Bill gifted to the fact that he can even sell a pair of glasses to a blind man.

  3. If you can't do it for everybody, don't do it for anybody. Everybody should be goose and gander.
