Monday, August 16, 2021

WOTC - Get locals to be essential workers

 Wisdom of the Crowd; 84% of the respondents said that the best way to get local workers for essential services are to implement national planning and pay adequate wages.


  1. The arrival of new workers tends to stimulate the economy by creating a need for more rental housing, haircuts, food and other goods and services. Most of the money earned is recycled back into the local economy.

  2. Albert Einstein failed his school entrance exam.

    Albert Einstein is arguably one of the most important and influential figures of physics in

    the 20th century. One might assume he’d be good at traditional learning, but the physicist

    and mathematician wasn’t exactly a whizz at school. After dropping out of his school in

    Munich at 15, Einstein took the entrance exam for a polytechnic school in Zurich. He

    flunked the botany, zoology, and language sections, but passed the math one, according to

    History. Einstein kept studying and passed the exam the next year, although he struggled

    before eventually graduating. Struggling in school didn’t prevent him from developing the

    special and general theories of relativity and explanation of the photoelectric effect

    show, per Biography. Einstein was also one of the people with the highest IQs in the world.
