Sunday, August 15, 2021

WOTC - Local workers for essential services

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 85% of the respondents said that it is necessary for Singapore to create a core of local workers to carry out essential services, even though the cost may be higher.


  1. Singapore wanted to minimise costs, that's why utilise millions of lower wage foreigners.

    Otherwise hospitals, foodcourts, wet markets, HDB flats, conservancy charges, cleaning services, waste management, public transport etc will be even higher.

    Or taxes will have to be even higher if govt wants to subsidize or implement price controls for these services.

    I'm 200% certain that majority of Singaporeans want such low wage foreigners to continue being imported into Singapore, if the alternative is paying 50%-100% more for essential services.

    What majority of Singaporeans don't want is the large import of white collar foreigners.

  2. Amy Yip pau went up by 50cts. Some restaurants have cut down on portions and ingredients. Making up for losses? Orh lua(oyster omelet) is just all starch with a little egg.

  3. Great Minds Think Alike???

    During the 2015 General election, once the results of the first few countings increased in percentage, the rest of the constituencies followed all across the island. All up.

    2020 General Election, a whole fraction of the island went down between 5% to 7% consistently except for two constituencies with ikan bilis oppositions. All down.

  4. The arrival of new workers tends to stimulate the economy by creating a need for more rental housing, haircuts, food and other goods and services. Most of the money earned is recycled back into the local economy.
