Wednesday, August 18, 2021

WOTC - Private tuition

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 49% of the respondents said that the government should restrict private tuition.


  1. Back then when I was in Junior College first year, I had a relationship problem with my ex-girlfriend which in end we finally broke ofF. I failed 2 subjects out of 4. During the parent-teacher meeting, my parents were told that I could only repeat once and if I were to fail again I would have to leave the school, that I was not suited for the Junior College route, and the advice was I could be more suited for Poly.
    My father did not believe in tuition, firstly after seeing firsthand one of his sisters in and out of IMH and one of her sons had committed suicide during his teenage years. They have never put pressure on me to excel.
    As I have come so far as to enter Junior College, my parents scouted around for tuition, which at that time was $80 an hour for 1to1 at a student's home. Going to a tuition centre would cost less.
    I managed to pass to qualify for year 2. I am not familiar with education as today, but in those days the number of passes and distinctions were an image to the school and they weave out those who they think would pull down their rankings.

  2. Albert Einstein failed his school entrance exam.

    Albert Einstein is arguably one of the most important and influential figures of physics in

    the 20th century. One might assume he’d be good at traditional learning, but the physicist

    and mathematician wasn’t exactly a whizz at school. After dropping out of his school in

    Munich at 15, Einstein took the entrance exam for a polytechnic school in Zurich. He

    flunked the botany, zoology, and language sections, but passed the math one, according to

    History. Einstein kept studying and passed the exam the next year, although he struggled

    before eventually graduating. Struggling in school didn’t prevent him from developing the

    special and general theories of relativity and explanation of the photoelectric effect

    show, per Biography. Einstein was also one of the people with the highest IQs in the world.

  3. In a knowledge-driven economy, there are fewer jobs for the lower-skilled. The gap between higher and lower education is closely connected to income. Well-paid jobs are tied to the grades of your education level. Grades are a ticket to better job opportunities.

  4. Albert Einstein: Education system: Everybody is a genius. But if you are going to judge a fish by climbing a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

  5. Exams can test for learning or maybe intellectual abilities. But there is no indication that

    exam takers can work well with other people or get things done.
