Saturday, September 04, 2021

Provide feedback by email

 Make it convenient for customers to provide feedback or ask for help by email.


  1. Mr Soh Eng Thong, 78, was found dead on Tuesday afternoon in the Basement 3 stairwell of the South Lobby. The stairwell door at Basement 3 leads to a carpark that is not in use.

    " Another one that is only proactive after someone died. Where was the initiative? Poor chap did not know how to in basement 3 probably no signal so handphone could not work? It could be dark as well? One way door means he could not come out?" A sick country going backwards.

  2. Chinese Nutritionists have warned that “eating "four legs" is worse than eating "two legs", eating "two legs" is worse than eating "no legs."

    "Four legs" mainly refers to pigs, cattle, and mutton. Eating too much of these meats is not conducive to weight loss and lowering blood fat;

    "Two legs" mainly refers to poultry such as chicken, duck, goose, etc., which are good meat foods;

    "No legs" mainly refers to fish and various vegetables. The protein contained in fish is easily digested and absorbed. The amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the fat, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, is relatively good for the body.

  3. Another danger is the green men where pedestrians and motorists having the right of way at the same time.

  4. Mental Health Strength;

    It is in the genes, the make-up, or grit?

    One popular man had to learn 3 languages, grew up with no-nonsense parents, braved out stage 4 cancer, the wife gave birth to an albino son, and her death followed?

    One young lady with a billionaire father who lives in Admore Park, could not recover from her parent's drag-on divorce for 4 years?

    一山还比一山高. "One mountain is higher than another mountain." Meaning: If you think you are bad, there's always somebody else who's worse."

    The older generations were resilient to adversity?
    What does not kill you makes you stronger?
    To be honest we are not entirely sure. Thick skin, thin skin or parenting?

    "Persons of high self-esteem are not driven to make themselves superior to others; they do not seek to prove their value by measuring themselves against a comparative standard. Their joy is being who they are, not in being better than someone else." -- Nathaniel Branden

    Aspirations or contentment? “He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.”
    ― Socrates
