Friday, September 24, 2021

Testing family members of infected persons

We now test the family members of infected person to find out who has been infected with the virus.

What about the other family members who did not get the virus?

Could they have been infected also, and the virus has been blocked by vaccine or natural immunity?

This is an important data.

It can be detected by carrying out a antibody test. An infected person who has recovered will have the antibody.

I hope that the task force will carry out an antibody test of the close contacts who are tested negative for the virus.


  1. Every man should be their own safety officer.

  2. Safety?
    Three young women are walking home late at night. The first says "We should split up that way if someone attacks, one of us will be free to get help." The second says "We should stay together, that way if someone attacks we can fight him off better." The third girl says "If I knew you two were planning to get attacked, I would've never agreed to walk home with you!"

    Anxiety is at high due to coronavirus, but the best thing you can do for yourself is to focus on the action you can take to stay safe in a pandemic. Follow the guidelines of health officials. One way is to avoid enclosed environments with a lot of people, especially places where masks were not worn ie eating places, and gyms. Disinfectant your hands often. It's your choice?

  3. Urine test for free:

    Go to a tree trunk and take a piss.

    If it attracts a lot of ants you have high glucose. If it dries too fast you have high sodium. If it smells like meat, you have high cholesterol. Forgot to open your pants to pee, Alzheimer’s. Had trouble aiming at the tree, Parkinson’s. Nothing comes out, Prostrate enlargement.

    Couldn’t smell the pee, definitely COVID.
