Friday, September 24, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Petition for OYK to resign as health minister

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  1. If we close everything up again the infections come down. When we open up the infections go up again? Don't think there are any perfect solutions. All needed is more policing in plain clothes severely those who break rules.

  2. In the 90s, there was one holier than the head of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan.

    His remarks gave monetary policy that kept the country on a secure path of prosperity.

    People idolized him. Today people realized that America's symbiosis with China, the low

    cost producer and eager buyer of U.S. debt played the role. Greenspan was just lucky that

    the economy did so well during his tenure. "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc,"

  3. Admit that you can't cope;
    Don't be ashamed that you are overwhelmed. Many people especially those in positions of authority consider it to be a sign of weakness. your ego and pride may not easily allow you to do this. Once in a while, everybody has a mental block, when we experience a sense of being overwhelmed?
