Thursday, September 16, 2021

WOTC - Cannot continue lockdown

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 76% of the respondents said that we cannot afford to continue lockdown until the virus is completely eliminated.


  1. Why DBS Home Equity Loan may only be beneficial to those whose paid-up private properties

    valued at 1~2.5 million. For those whose is asset rich and cash poor, properties that have

    high nett worth might not go for the scheme. If the owner has a paid-up property of 4

    million and above they would rather sell and have the freedom of higher cash rather than

    the low monthly payment from CPF?? Landed properties aside, in every condominium, there are

    varies sizes ranging from 2~5 bedrooms. Can still live in the same estate with the

    familiar surroundings. Only the stamp duty gain, when selling and repurchasing??

  2. “...You can take the man out of the woods, but you can't take the woods out of the man.”
