Sunday, October 24, 2021

Restrictions on dining out

 Here are my views on the WTF restriction on the number of people dining out.


  1. The pandemic has added to a more fractious society.

  2. How do we keep up with the news? My heart is beating faster as I digest the daily weekly changes.

    Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. An unpredictable life with moving targets each day,

    each hour. Numbers spiral upward. It’s chaotic, constantly with new changes. A whole new words

    coronavirus, epidemic, pandemic, isolation, quarantine, self-quarantine, shelter-in-

    place, community spread through transmission, incubation period, fatality rate,

    asymptomatic, outbreak, high risk, vaccine, clinical trial,

    flattening the curve, and social distancing. In the end, our body and

    the brain automatically shuts off from overloading.
