Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should Singapore have a law against foreign interference in our domestic affairs?
2. Did the government pass the FICA law too hastily?
3. Was the spike in covid infections caused by poor handling by the MTF?

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  1. A lot of Russian girls are trying to hook up with American guys online.
    But it's really just Putin trying to interfere with our erections.


  2. Ikaria, the island where people live longer than just about anywhere else in the world.

    Greece’s beautiful remote island of Ikaria has been named one of the healthiest places on earth and is a spot of exceptional longevity.

    Here, there are more healthy people over 90 than any other place on the planet.

    Ikarians are running at 100! Many say they forget to die! Making it no surprise that the Ikarians’ phenomenal longevity has become a hot worldwide topic. In recent years, more and more people have become fascinated by the lifestyle of Ikarians and want to know their secrets to good health.

    International scientists have turned their strong interest to learn what it is that manages to make Ikarians not only centenarians but also to have a very good physical condition and health even at a hundred years old. There are many reports that focus on the life of the inhabitants of this small Greek island.

    Ikaria is a part of ‘Blue Zones’ a name given to 5 places in the world- Ikaria, Sardinia in Italy, Okinawa of Japan, Nicoya of Costa Rica and Loma Linda of California, USA, whose inhabitants surpass the life expectancy and reach over the age of 90 years.

    Now, what are the major factors, that give Ikarians longevity? Researches have shown that there are many key elements that lead to their longevity and here are just a few:

    -good physical condition, due to daily exercise of manual work and rural life. The daily walks, which includes mountain hikes enhances good physical condition.

    -midday rest, even if it’s a short nap, has proven to protect and improve heart function.

    -the Mediterranean diet, combined with fresh, organic produce, that’s consumed on the island. This includes vegetables, fruits, fish, olive oil, local honey and of course the famous red wine. Surveys conducted also show that a significant factor in the longevity of Ikarians is the consumption of Greek coffee and mountain tea, which are key antioxidants for the body.

    -the minimal use of medicine.

    -sexual activity, even in older people.

    -strong family and social ties between Ikarian people.

    -and of course, the relaxed pace of daily life, without anxiety and stress, and a full of optimism attitude.

    Ikarians are quiet and hospitable people, with a long history over the centuries. They are truly active people, who managed to give value to this small but valiant island, to put its own distinct identity and rich inheritance to younger generations. Ikarians are famous for their hospitality! They always share, even if they don’t have many things and this is what makes them so happy.

    “Ikaria: The island where people live forever,” where reporters took a close look at the way of life of the locals who, “dominate time and do not allow time to dominate them.”

  3. https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/forum/forum-hdb-should-go-back-to-building-flats-based-on-projections.

    This is the kind of leader we need for the country. Compassionate, authentic, consistent, encouraging, building trust, LISTENING, real professionalism And the best is caring.

    The old method does not work anymore but they refused to see it.
