Sunday, November 21, 2021

German friend view about SG handling of pandemic

 My German friend, who lived in Singapore for a few years, and has now returned to Europe thinks that SG has handled the pandemic well. OYK will be happy to read it.


  1. Differentiating deeply into the kind of people they are ruling.

    As with every aspect of exploration, get PAP and his whole team to Germany and apply what every same that they applied here and see the results of all their different patchwork.

    The first PAP put forward if they say squat, you do it or you face the consequences. 90% of the people here did what they are being told. Whereas in some parts of Europe, you pushed too hard, there will be a street demonstration, revolt or riots.

    The government here have it easy. All they have to do is magically dictate their strongly held views and people must act like sheep. What choice do the people have?

    Old leaders construct a very solid base.

  2. PM Lee: Wealth tax “not so easy to implement”

    How many ministers and government officers are not affected by it????????????????????????????
