Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Cut in interest rate will boost China stocks

 China cut its benchmark interest rate for the first time since April 2020. It did not help the stock market. The cut was expected and rather small. Article

I believe that the sentiment towards China stock will change in the days ahead and China stocks will be stronger.

Here are my reasons:


  1. ET: Do you fxxx your wife?
    PS: I disagree.

    ET: Do you eat Indian food?
    PS: I disagree.

    ET: Do you lie?
    PS: Never in my hole life.

    ET: Do you take your popularity for granted?
    PS: I disagree.

    ET: We need the truth.
    PS: Why do you need me, to tell the truth?

    ET: How did a big lie end in Parliament?
    PS: I have nothing to do with it.

    ET: Why did it take three months for the light?
    PS: My clock has got a problem.

    ET: Did you ever consider the police?
    PS: What police?

    ET: Did you not consider that this is not a personal matter?
    PS: My call.

    ET: Who decides?
    PS: I am chief of opposition.

    ET: Did you try to tell RK to ignore?
    PS: That I cannot remember, I need to check.

    ET: Why are you so defensive and evasive?
    PS: I cannot allow my tongue to slip.

    ET: You are not cooperating.
    PS: It works both ways.

    ET: You have a duty to Parliament and the people of Singapore not only Aljunied.
    PS: I have a duty to RK'S parents.

    ET: Nathan and Loh have similar experiences with RK?
    PS: Of course, there are in bed together.

    ET: Thanks for coming to the COP.
    PS: Thanks for giving me a chance to show my legal side.

  2. If things were reversed a minority loud and keyboard warrior already came out and start a petition for that fraud to resign?

  3. Paul Thambya needs to chia yu.

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