Saturday, December 11, 2021

Handling a feedback

I suggest the following steps for a government agency to handle the feedback from the public.


  1. Some do not have a smartphone?

    Some only speak dialect or mandarin?

    Some seniors felt like they were given primary 6 syllables when they are only in primary one.

    Things are not as simple or straightforward. You get your answer 15 minutes on the phone than bouncing email checking and waiting.

    The new method does not mean effective and effectiveness does not have to be new.

    Forum: Seniors need to embrace technology to lead independent lives.

  2. The fear of investing in proper housing for all groups is keeping us frustrated! Housing is a basic human's right.

  3. Sing- "Was your sexual assault real or fabricated?"

    Khan-"It is the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth."

  4. Forum: Singaporeans deserve to know the truth in Raeesah Khan saga

    I agree to a certain extent with Mr Brian Seah (Move on from Raeesah Khan saga, Dec 17).

    As Mr Seah says, "we have bigger fish to fry".

    But I believe that if there are any "rotten fish", they have to be removed, and truths and untruths unearthed before we can move on.

    The people involved are not private individuals acting in their personal capacity. These are elected MPs, and the Workers' Party is the biggest opposition presence in Parliament.

    Either Ms Raeesah Khan has lied again, or the party's leaders are lying, and only the Committee of Privileges has the capability and resources to find the answer.

    All Singaporeans, not just supporters and critics of both political parties, deserve to know the truth.

    Goh Khang Khai
