Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Parliamentary Committee on Privileges - release on progress report

 The Office of the Clerk of Parliament reiterated on Monday that while the committee will present its final report to Parliament in due course, it will also keep Parliament informed of the progress of its investigations in a “timely manner when appropriate”.

https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/details-privileges-committee-hearings-raeesah-khan-matter-remain-fluid-parliament-clerks? I find the reason given to be nonsensical. There is no urgency to keep Parliament informed on the progress. Even if this is a genuine need, why should the progress report, which is incomplete and one sided, be released to the public? Surely it can be sent under confidential cover to the MPs?

1 comment:

  1. Different elements come together to create a storm; rain, thunder, lightning and wind. Which element bears the larger creation? Same as human.
