Saturday, December 04, 2021

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Has the Worker's Party handled the Raeesah Khan's affair correctly?
2. Should covid vaccination be made compulsory by law?

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  1. If records had been settled straight from the beginning, there would be no such drama.
    One is a habitual liar and the others sit on it hoping it would go away?
    Two wrongs do not make it right.

  2. Book Smart VS Street Smart.
    Street smarts are more important than book smarts when it comes to the real world. Because the real world and the book world do not operate in the same. In the book world, there is a clear structure, timeline, transparent rules, and information. If you study hard and have lots of tuition, you will do well. Things are planned out for you. You don’t have to think. You just have to follow the book. Everyone starts on the same level and is guaranteed to pass if they put in a strong effort. The book world is fair. Politics will not get you a good score or GPA. EQ will not help you score higher on standard tests. We all hve different intelligent levels. Everything in the book world is structured to be fair. Structure is for people with ability in book environment. People who thrive under structure are best suited for books, not the real world. This is what is happening to the young politicians today. Real problems that are not from books, they lack solving mechanisms.
