Friday, December 24, 2021

WOTC - Best measure of democracy

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 93% of the respondents said that the best test of democracy is whether the government improves the lives of the ordinary people.


  1. So this, the Spirit of Christmas
    That forever still endures -
    May it leave its richest blessing
    In the hearts of you and yours!

  2. Unless you are the person that is affected by a certain problem, no outsiders no matter how

    experience can ever fix it. Those policymakers are a joke. So it is best to go face to face with couples who have been

    married for more than 3 years and in their late thirties with the big question mark(???)why.

    Since starting working from home, my other half's desk-top computer was working well in the

    living room. The one in the study which I am using has intermittent problems, some days no

    service for hours. Singtel said that since there is wifi with the other computer, it is not

    their problem. Dell spent two hours on the phone with me, asking to pull this out, pluck

    that in, rebooting here and there, switch this off, switch that on. The problem persists.

    Dell remarked it wasn't their computer. Here comes the interesting part. My 65-year-old

    mother commented maybe it is the white small thing with lights connected in the study that

    could be the problem, which in our term was the router or wifi mesh. We swapped it around

    and presto, the computer in the living room started having intermittent problems. We called

    up Sigtel and after listening to music for 17 minutes, a human finally answered the phone.

    After checking from their end, we were told that the warranty for the routers had ended

    and we were to bring the one with mild Covid to exchange for a new purchase. Singtel and

    Dell could not come up with why(???). Took my 65-year-old mother to guess because she lives

    in the house.
