Sunday, December 26, 2021

WOTC - Death sentence

 Here are my views about the death sentences and the River Valley High case.


  1. Why everyone should visit the cemeteries? It is a sad walk, but it also clears your mind that no one is indispensable or immortal.

  2. ABSD increased from 12 to 17%.
    It could be buyers are still buying 2nd properties. Only they have the data.
    Or they are hard-up for money.

  3. Got a new job working from home. Ordered a desk online from Ikea. Delivered only 3 legs. Was told I only ordered 3 legs. I must have clicked 3 instead of 4?

  4. 3 main responsibilities every government has towards its citizens;

    1) schools 2) hospitals 3) housing.

    1) everybody has an opportunity. (schools)

    2) everyone has medical care. (hospitals)

    3) scarcity in housing, terms and conditions apply.

  5. Marriage makes no difference to happiness, but it changes some aspects of life for the better and other aspects for the worse.

  6. If PAP no punchan, got buy-election, which oppo party go in aljunied? leceh.

  7. No by-election. The fact is they are mindful of the certain parties getting into parliament?
