Friday, December 31, 2021

WOTC - Take the lie to the grave

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 89% of the respondents said that Raeesah Khan probably lied or misunderstood what Pritam Singh said about "taking the lie to the grave".


  1. I am of a minority race. I don't feel good about this complicated drama. 3 out of the 4 involved are of the minority race?

  2. "I am the leader of the opposition."

    A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. —John Maxwell

    The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant. —Max DePree

    The nation will find it very hard to look up to the leaders who are keeping their ears to the ground. —Sir Winston Churchill.

    As a leader, you are a role model. You must be able to execute managing and responsibilities. Managing is about organising, planning and coordinating and making sure works get done? Anybody can be a leader, but leadership cannot be for anybody. Leaders need to realise their own capabilities and strengths to tackle complex situations effectively. Unfortunately, the three WP leaders fall into the NATO organisation!

  3. Meaningful Quotes about lies.

    Lie of Fabrication
    This type of lie is telling other people things that you are not sure to be true. These lies can be very damaging if they end up ruining a person’s reputation because of rumours.

    Lies of Deception
    Deceivers try to create an impression that can mislead other people by creating a false impression or not telling all facts.

    Types of Liars

    1. Compulsive Liars
    These people lie when there is no need for them to even if it makes more sense, to tell the truth than to lie. Compulsive liars are addicted to lying and it is simply hard for them to stop.

    2. Frequent Liars
    Frequent liars go about their lives lying in every step of the way. These people don’t even try to cover their tracks or make sure their lies make sense. Everyone knows these people are lying since they are sloppy with their lies.

    3. Occasional Liars
    An occasional liar seldom lies. However, once they do, they feel guilty for their actions. These people are those who ask for forgiveness right away from the person they lied to.

    While lies and liars are everywhere around you, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can fall prey to their predatory actions and habits.

  4. Most people I spoke to still believe in Worker's Party provided there is a new chief. We

    cannot have someone who spoke up publicly, whether it is in the interest of the people, self

    or the party, but dubious in their dealings privately. It just doesn't work that way.

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