Sunday, December 12, 2021

WOTC - WP leaders handling of RK matter

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 64% of the respondents said that the Worker Party leaders have handled the Raeesah Khan's matter correctly.


  1. Aljunied finished liao. Jia Lat.

  2. The higher you go the harder you try to protect your position, even to the extent of playing dirty politics?
    Reputation takes a lifetime to build but is quick to lose?
    Only Harry Lee though iron-fisted but holier than thou?

  3. The 2 very scenarios when going to see your MP about your problem;

    1.Check that you are not from a lousy school or illiterate.

    2. You will be told that only you created the mess, sort it out yourself. You can take as much time as you want, nobody else's matter except your parents.

    One does not have empathy for the lower class and the other has no leadership skills or washing his hands over responsibility.

  4. Wise sayings;

    There are three sides to every story, your side, the other person’s side and what actually happened.

    The more one has to lose, the more one lies.

    There are three sides to every human, the public side, the private side and the skeletal side.

    There’s an old saying that some conflicts are so difficult, they can only be healed with a story.

  5. Why PMLEE say he was not against demolishing 38( can't remember the road name) but was against
    profiteering from it. When you are a public figure your every move is sort of monitored. He said what will people think??

  6. Forum: Singaporeans deserve to know the truth in Raeesah Khan saga

    I agree to a certain extent with Mr Brian Seah (Move on from Raeesah Khan saga, Dec 17).

    As Mr Seah says, "we have bigger fish to fry".

    But I believe that if there are any "rotten fish", they have to be removed, and truths and untruths unearthed before we can move on.

    The people involved are not private individuals acting in their personal capacity. These are elected MPs, and the Workers' Party is the biggest opposition presence in Parliament.

    Either Ms Raeesah Khan has lied again, or the party's leaders are lying, and only the Committee of Privileges has the capability and resources to find the answer.

    All Singaporeans, not just supporters and critics of both political parties, deserve to know the truth.

    Goh Khang Khai

  7. Wah piang eh. Imagine the plot where everyone in the Worker's knew about the parliament lie

    but was unable to report to the authorities due to party loyalty or being a traitor resulting

    in the whole party abetting and condoning the immense wrongdoing. By good luck only 3 are

    culpable. Finding the convenient scapegoat??? Kena sai.
