Thursday, January 20, 2022

 It is a bad precedent for OCBC Bank to pay full compensation to their customers who were cheated by the fraudulent transfers by scammers.


  1. Consumers for the time being will think twice about banking with them and businesses would be
    intuitively wary about OCBC. Who knows if consumers are withdrawing their monies soon after the saga. $8.5 million is Mrs Goh's peanuts to a bank but $100k meant a lot to an average family. Bank doesn't do goodwill for nothing!


    1. Iceland
    According to the Global Peace Index, Iceland is the safest country globally for the 13th year in a row. Iceland is a Nordic nation with a relatively small population of 340,000. Iceland has a very low level of crime attributed to its high standard of living, small population, strong social attitudes against crime, a high level of trust in their well-trained, highly educated police force, and a lack of tension between social and economic classes. Iceland does not have a military, and the police do not carry firearms with them (only extendable batons and pepper spray). Iceland also has laws in place to guarantee equality, such as legal same-sex marriage and same-sex adoptions, religious freedom, and equal pay for men and women.

    2. New Zealand
    New Zealand is the second-safest country in the world. Like Iceland, New Zealand has a very low crime rate, especially violent crime. Theft, however, is a common occurrence, especially for tourists. New Zealand has no deadly animals, unlike its neighbor down-under, Australia, known for having some dangerous wildlife. New Zealand's score slightly decreased from the year before due to the terror attack on two mosques in Christchurch on March 15, 2019, which killed 51 people. New Zealanders are generally open-minded and have laws in place to prevent abuse of anyone's freedom of speech or expression. Like Iceland, police in New Zealand do not carry personal firearms.

    3. Portugal
    Portugal comes in third in the most peaceful countries rankings. In 2014, Portugal was ranked 18th globally and has since made huge strides to be ranked third. Unlike Iceland and New Zealand, Portugal has armed police; however, it seems that an increased police presence has resulted in a decreased crime rate in the country. In the past six years, Portugal has made an economic resurgence, decreasing its unemployment rate from over 17% to under 7%. Due in large part to its level of safety, Portugal is ranked as the best country for retirement in 2020 according to the Annual Global Retirement Index.

    4. Austria
    Austria is the fourth-safest country in the world. Austria's 2020 score increased slightly by 0.011 points from 2020 but kept its fourth-place ranking. Austria, however, saw a deterioration in the likelihood of violent demonstrations indicator after the election of Sebastian Kurz's People Party in October of 2017. Due to the country's political instability, social unrest has increased. Austria, otherwise, is a very safe country to visit. Serious crimes are uncommon, although people should be aware of pickpockets and purse-snatchers. Additionally, Austria has been spared any major acts of terrorism.

    5. Denmark
    Ranked fifth on the Global Peace Index, Denmark is one of the safest and happiest countries in the world. Denmark is one of the few countries where people report feeling safe at any time of day or night, even children. Denmark has a high level of equality and a strong sense of common responsibility for social welfare – two things that contribute to both Denmark's safety and happiness. Corruption is rare in business or politics, as honesty and trust are top priorities in Denmark. Denmark is also a welfare state, meaning that everyone receives services and perks that help them live comfortable lives. Everyone in Denmark has access to healthcare with no additional fees to them, tuition-free education, and the elderly are provided at-home care helpers.
