Sunday, January 16, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

 Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. How do you rate the education system in Singapore.
2. How can the bank stop scammers from making large fraudulent withdrawals?

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1 comment:

  1. Singapore Schools.

    Judgement of a person's capabilities was by the school they attended and the results of the exams.

    Rote learning and memorizing facts and numbers without any deep understanding or meaningful learning. No teaching of cognitive skills, history, social behaving, analysis, evaluation making comparisons and problem solving, something that is much more useful through life.

    If you are someone who has the memory of an encyclopedia, you will do very well in the system.

    Those with strong analytical skills can evaluate the effectiveness of different problems, other than merely increasing taxes and levies.

    At least they are honest enough to tell the people we lack talent, therefor foreign talent is compulsory to create jobs.
