Thursday, February 10, 2022

WOTC - Ratification by Parliament

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 93% of the respondents said that the agreement with Indonesia on the air traffic control and other issues should be submitted to the SG Parliament for ratification.


  1. Covid-19: Hong Kong’s leader Carrie Lam apologises over long waits for tests and quarantine.

    No apologies for the long wait for BTO!

    Now people have to beg, borrow or steal money due to desperation for homes and spaces!

  2. She may have mental or dissociation issues, but she did smoke out crooked politicians. Crooked politicians cannot be effective without trust. Our country needs security, and to have that we need politicians to take the blame when it is due to them, and above all be honest to your team and the people. Good leadership is providing stability to your team, how they are doing, leading to being taken seriously by the people and those under you.

    Trying to avoid accountability should not be an option. Appropriate ethical is essential for the long-term greater good of the country and its people. This is not a game of cards.

  3. He knew the lie for 3 months and the police were framed. If he could get away he would still hide from knowing the lie. If his member had lied saying that she had not been to the toilet for 3 days, the lie would be different as it only involved herself. How to take this type of politician seriously whatever he does or say? Phui. Hypocrite.
