Wednesday, April 27, 2022

A deferred 10 year annuity

 In this article, I explain how an insurance company can offer a deferred 10 year annuity that is simple for the policyholder to understand and gives a fairly attractive return. It can also allow the insurance company to make a profit.


  1. Unfortunately no insurance company in S'pore will be willing to guarantee a 3% yield for 15 yrs.

    With the high cost of living here, together with high business costs & high salaries in the finance sector, plus the need for high profit margins --- it is almost impossible for any insurer here to offer what you wrote.

    For comparison, if the 65 yo woman uses CPF Life, the internal rate of return (IRR) is 4.2% if she lives until 90. If survive till 100, then IRR is 5.5%

    Former insurance insider

  2. Here is my encounter with a dubious ERA agent:-

    For a new development under construction, the marketing agent told me the first one per cent (1%)

    option fee had to be paid in cash, the following (2nd....3rd...) stage payments would have to be paid by

    a combination of CPF and/or LOANS with the FINAL payment paid CASH. He knew that my loan

    was only 45% (my name was on another property as a borrower, but not as not owner). We had

    a lengthy discussion about the stage payments - as my cash was tied up in stocks and bonds

    and it would take some time to liquidate it - and supposedly payment was needed immediately

    as the development was more than half completed.

    Also, as I am a high-income earner, I would be able to save up the CASH required for the

    LAST payment. However, I was advised somewhat differently by the conveyancing lawyer

    namely........FIRSTLY CASH payment, followed by CPF and/or cash payments, and only LASTLY

    (the already) approved forty-five per cent (45%) LOAN.

  3. One thing is for sure if Lee Kuan Yew is in charge he would not put up with what is happening to the people now. You know people used to say, this is Singapore, things like that wont happen here. I am not lying and I repeat that I am not lying, nowadays people do not say that anymore. In fact whatever people are buying they do not have a piece of mind. Some properties more than 40 years old, advert selling tenure as Unknown pricing more than a million dollars. Got such thing meh? The image that the foreigners used to have about Singapore is now making us a laughing stock.
    When you make a complaint or give feedback to the agencies involved, they washed their hands and direct you somewhere else. You go to the somewhere else, they said it is not their problem, to go to the police. The police said not their problem, civil case. And so the people end up sucking it up. As much as I like LHL, and would be sad to see him go, I think it is best that we need an overhaul of those lip service useless washing hands government agencies.

  4. This reply has been forwarded around.

    Someone had written to Great World City shopping centre regarding an accident waiting to happen.
    There is 3 side by side travellators going up and down to the carpark.
    The first one is the one B2 going up to B1.
    The centre one is Level 1 going down to B1.
    The third one is B1 going up to Level 1.
    The first one had to pass by the middle to the third to go up to level 1.
    Meanwhile, the middle one comes down with a supermarket trolley and at the bottom of the travellator had to pull back the trolley because people are walking in front to pass by in front from after reaching the landing from 1 to 3 to go up. As the travellator is moving machine the one behind the one with the trolley collided when the one with the front trolley tried to pull the trolley because someone walked right in front of them.
    The one who had written and the reply received had stop patronising the mall.

    Dear $$$$$$

    Thank you for your feedback.

    With the removal of safe entry requirement, it is now a more spacious and comfortable area for shoppers.

    Alternatively, you may consider using lift lobbies to access the carparks.

    Thank you and take care.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Great World

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