Sunday, April 03, 2022

A judicial system that acts with integrity

Someone said that there is no separation of power between the judicial and political system in China.
He implied that every judicial decision is made by the communist party.
He should just use his common sense.
With a population of 1.3 billion, I expect that the judicial system will have to deal with 1 million cases a year - mostly ordinary, but maybe a few that is high profile.
Can the communist party influence all of these decisions?
Such political interference cannot work.
I expect that nearly all the judicial decisions are made according to the written law and by judges that act with integrity.
I expect the quality of the judicial decisions to be as good as, or even better than the western countries.
Maybe, a small number of high profile cases in China may be politically influenced.
China will not be alone in this matter. This will also apply to the western countries.
President Trump of America spent a lot of his energy in stacking up the Supreme Court with conservative judges, rather than liberal judges. I consider that this is similar to political influence.
I find it deplorable that some people can smear China in a senseless manner. They should be more objective. They should check the facts before giving a biased or outdated opinion.

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