Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should PM Lee pass the PM office to Lawrence Wong early?
2. is LW ready to take over the office of PM?

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  1. Same party. Whether passed early or late no difference in effect. The priority now is to

    design the next election after the 2 oppositions are found transparently guilty in the law and

    perhaps before the 9%, GST come into effect in 2024?


  2. (12+4+1+11+8) add up to 36

    (1+11+8+12+4) add up to 36

    (8+11+1+4+12) also adds up to 36.

    What is the difference between a gheko and a house lizard?

    Two people can look at the same cigarette, one feels the urge to smoke, while the other is repulsed by the smell.

    One person might want to reduce stress by smoking, another might ease it by going for a massage.

    Most genes jump by one generation. My mother is asthmatic, I am not, but my daughter has asthma. There is still a high chance that a Li might join politics in generations to come.

  3. If your type is to please and soothe your ears, 4G is your forte.

    If your preference is to please and open your eyes and look around you, 1G is your friend.


  4. How about MALAYSIA????
    Already had 9 PM'S. Now, the Malay drama & Backstabbing has began for the appointment of the 10th PM.

    All candidates for PM have history of Corruption, Betrayal, Party hopping, Backstabbing, Court cases, Racism, Power Abuse, Marriage of Convenience, Fanaticism, Low Education & worst International Recognition.

    Around 40 years ago, Premier Lee Kuan Yew in 1982 said;
    Malaysia is a Beautiful Country but its final destiny will be disastrous due to 2 things;

    "Racism & Racial Politics"

    ~ THE END ~

  5. 1. Public Complaints.
    2. Police Traffic Summons.
    3. Public Summon.
    4. Racial hatred Statements.
    5. Corruption / Bribery.
    6. Legal Court cases.
    7. Tax fraud.
    8. Public Votes.
    9. Physical fitness.
    10. Personal Life.
    11. Abuse of Power.
    12. FBI, CIA, Interpol checks.
    13. World Leader's popularity.
    14. Political Achievements.
    15. Public or Media speech.

    Goh Chok Tong's job as Chairman of MAS at age 80 so can I. Can't wait.
