Thursday, April 07, 2022

WOTC - Travel to Johore

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 60% of the respondents said that they will avoid travelling to Johore because of the crime situation.


  1. Last time people were a little hesitant to travel to Johore as it is famous for robberies.

    Now Singapore frequently is in the news for fights, weapons attacks, traffic tragedies or being threatened with shooting by the police. My mindset is if I don't go to Johore, I am still not safe here, so I take the chance to go. All these are not exaggerations. Half of my friends have left for Malaysia. Money export. Once GST increases more, Malaysia will earn most of Singapore's money.

  2. One seldom hears about Malaysians coming here to spend their money but to work.
    But it is widely known that Singaporeans visit Malaysia as tourists as the exchange rate favours the Singapore dollar.

    The biggest hype for foreigners with families living here was how cheap it was to get live-in maids compared to the western countries.

    Most people with Filipino maids have problems with them, but my direct encounter with Filipinos at F&B outlets was mostly sincere, speaks near-perfect English, good work attitude and gives good after-service though they were considered from third world countries.

  3. Boon Lay knife attack.

    4 young lives were destroyed.

    2 families living in trauma.

    Schools only teach the young how to pass exams? The rich were predominately brought up by maids, while the poor were too preoccupied with how to make ends meet to make time for their children who are thrown into the deep end to either swim or die?

  4. Is violence around us the norm or was it that it was always there but that more people are now

    posting it on social media? We hear and read about it again and again more physical and

    weapons attack scratching of cars in broad daylight and these are only some incidents that

    we were aware of. Such violence and attacks do more than frighten us in ways we couldn't

    imagine. We grow accustomed to going through metal detectors, and airport security checks.

    There is nothing more terrifying for family members that their loved ones somewhere out

    thereof the dangers. With the strict laws in place, why are people still acting violently?

    When the country feels scary amidst all the glitz and glamour. Funny we have safe-

    distancing officers patrolling but non-police officers in hot spots. Lives have become

    cheap, but businesses, enterprises are receiving our money to keep afloat or becoming

    richer? What a waste of a good government?
