Sunday, May 08, 2022

Weakness of democratic systems

 I believe that a country should have an authoritarian govt. It should not be "democratic". Here are my reasons.


  1. Bold statesmen fight for their people. It's been a long time since we've seen one.

    Stupid statesmen fight only for their teams. The law minister is one of them.

    Egoistic statesmen fight for their images. They know who they are.

    Trump is good. Though talks garbage most of the time, he does not mince his words or beat around the bush? There was no going around in circles.

  2. The system is only as good as the arsehole that is operating it?

  3. Nowadays, hospitals type in your IC number all your particulars are there.
    SCDF could not even compute the Lampu Tiang number with the location or street? Not everybody is street-wise. SCDF should have the details on where the Lampu Tiang number is located. Jeesh, this is only a small island
    The caller was right about incompetence or urgency.
    The ambulance was sent out without knowing if the location was correct. Probably when the second call to the caller to re-check because they could not locate where the Lampu Tiang number was, she probably asked 'hey where is the location? We cannot find.' Pam Kaur probably did not realise it was the ambulance crew that was calling. She thought it was 995, so she just lost it.
    Instead of going to the Lampu number location, they went to the street location, and if they are competent, they would have realised that there was no such Lampu number on the so-called road.
    Wah, their reply damn deflecting. Next time an emergency wants to call an ambulance also scary.
    This is Singapore today!

  4. Is anyone familiar with hearing this widely logic by the those going around saying this?

    Lee Kuan Yew founded PAP
    We love and respect Lee Kuan Yew
    To show him our gratitude we voted PAP.

    Clearly, as a result of hearing it, I now have mixed feelings that I am an ungrateful and unappreciative citizen. The reason is I do appreciate and admire Kuan Yew Yew but I did not vote for PAP.
