Sunday, May 22, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Is the new policy to get customers to return trays working well?
2. Should there be a policy to control rentals?
3. Should the govt allow entry of foreign workers to meet the labor shortage?
4. Is the police acting effective against loan scammers?

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  1. They bring in an 'A family' where only the husband is allowed to work the wife is on dependent pass.

    Another "B Family' where only the wife is qualified to work and the husband is on dependent pass??

    Instead of bringing in one whole family where the husband and wife are both allowed to work to diffuse workers shortage and overcrowding??

  2. 4. Is the police acting effectively against loan scammers?

    The police usually acted effectively- the whole police force went through months digging Khan's accusation? The Worker's Party's 3 leaders outsmart the the police?

  3. In 10 to 20 years' time, the 5-rooms will cost 3 million in desired locations. Good locations such as Queenstown only 3 and 4 rooms?

  4. 5 rooms in good locations probably cost $700 and above, so not many first-timers can afford them.

    Only the ministers are entitled to live in big spacious prime locations.

    Citizens can on only choose one criterion. Small homes in central locations or bigger 5 rooms outside location. You cannot have both.


  5. With all kinds of happenings in the public domain, a home is still a safe option. Some have developed agoraphobia( fear of crowds or public spaces).

  6. A concluding observation: A government that is all about them and not about the people.

    anonymous said...
    In 10 to 20 years' time, the 5-rooms will cost 3 million in desired locations. Good locations such as Queenstown only 3 and 4 rooms?
    May 24, 2022 7:13 AM

    Anonymous said.
    5 rooms in good locations probably cost $700 and above, so not many first-timers can afford them.

    Only the ministers are entitled to live in big spacious prime locations.

    Citizens can on only choose one criterion. Small homes in central locations or bigger 5 rooms outside location. You cannot have both.
    May 24, 2022 7:29 PM

    SIMPLE ECONOMICS: When there are shortages prices will keep climbing, just like the present chickens' situation. An incompetent, blind and out of touch government who did not know which way things are going! This is the whole tooth and nothing but the truth!

  7. Finding other alternatives no 5rooms BTO new launches in a large number of areas.

    Ours was a shotgun marriage. We balloted for 3 room SBF as we were just embarking new in our

    careers and also at that time only the 3 room in that area was availble between both our parents.

    As of today, our situation was a little different. We have another baby on the way in addition

    in the process of hiring live-in help. We have our 3room rented out and ourselves renting a

    larger home. Both our incomes have also been doubled and for this reason, we have been

    waiting anxiously for the new launches of 5room BTO. In addition, we have also been house

    hunting for a resale 5room but was not willing to pay $800K for a 1976 run down HDB.

    On the bright side, at the very least, we still have a roof.

  8. Singapore standards for housing.
    $500,000 for a 950 sq. ft 4 room HDB?
    99 years?
    5 years of waiting time?
    All they ever emphasised was high ownership! Not tu lan also become tu lan.

  9. This one not bluff one. Got eyes to see.

    Parents flat about 10 storeys high. Spacious and no land constraint.

    Now new one not only small, average 3 times higher building still got land constraint.

    When comes to saving businesses during Covid peoples money no constraint. But when comes to building homes for the people all kinds of constraints? Cant wait for them to toh to. People's Action Party has now become Peoples Arrogant Party.

  10. The psychological effects of living with cramp and small spaces on humans.
