Thursday, May 12, 2022

WOTC - A new road map

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 64% of the respondents said that it is good for the PM designate to prepare a road map to take account of the current economic conditions.


  1. A critical road map, people are sure in their minds first and foremost would be how to protect what is in the reserves being known to others, as only a handful knew about it, in the event that the PAP is no longer in power?

  2. They don't even know that Singapore airport, not enough taxis till someone cannot tahan to see those long Qs queuing for taxis.
    He wrote to the media about the sufferings of those long-haul flight passengers. It always takes the public to stir or put on social media, before they do something about it. So far no initiatives! Wayang here wayang there only good at. Seesh

  3. Top 10 most densely populated countries in the world
    Monaco - 19,361/km²
    Singapore - 8,019/km²
    Bahrain - 2,182/km²
    Maldives - 1,802/km²
    Malta - 1,642/km²
    Bangladesh - 1,265/km²
    Vatican City - 924/km² (2019 figure)
    Barbados - 668/km²
    Lebanon - 667/km²
    Mauritius - 624/km²

  4. An uptrend in social problems?


    Inequality of resources or treatment

    The heavy toll on the stress


    Illiteracy and lack of education

    High unemployment rates???

    Substandard compact homes

    Unequal opportunity



    Environmental conditions


    Substance abuse


    Frustrating policies

    Are we ticking all the above? Social problems are mounting, impacting society That is, also creating disruption or hardship for large numbers of people.

    The problem has consequences to be a first world country on the map. All the latest infrastructures do not compensate for the miseries and discomfort the people are going through.

    Those who has the heart, head, hand, iron, time and endurance please come out and intensifies the opposition to make the country right again.

  5. Gripping SCDF. Learning something new with the government agencies?

    Nowadays, hospitals type in your IC number all your particulars are there.
    SCDF could not even compute the Lampu Tiang number with the location or street? Not everybody is street-wise. SCDF should have the details on where the Lampu Tiang number is located. Jeesh, this is only a small island
    The caller was right about incompetence or urgency.
    The ambulance was sent out without knowing if the location was correct. Probably when the second call to the caller to re-check because they could not locate where the Lampu Tiang number was, she probably asked 'hey where is the location? We cannot find.' Pam Kaur probably did not realise it was the ambulance crew that was calling. She thought it was 995, so she just lost it.
    Instead of going to the Lampu number location, they went to the street location, and if they are competent, they would have realised that there was no such Lampu number on the so-called road.
    Wah, their reply damn deflecting. Next time an emergency wants to call an ambulance also scary.
    This is Singapore today!

  6. Most of us who drive are familiar with how to go to certain places. How many of us really know the names of the road we are travelling? Touchwood if an accident, no good samaritan stop to help, you can still retain your composure and call 995. They ask you to go check the lamp posts and the street name.

  7. In 10 to 20 years' time, the 5-rooms will cost 3 million in desired locations. Good locations such as Queenstown only 3 and 4 rooms?

  8. Finding other alternatives no 5rooms BTO new launches in a large number of areas.

    Ours was a shotgun marriage. We balloted for 3 room SBF as we were just embarking new in our

    careers and also at that time only the 3 room in that area was availble between both our parents.

    As of today, our situation was a little different. We have another baby on the way in addition

    in the process of hiring live-in help. We have our 3room rented out and ourselves renting a

    larger home. Both our incomes have also been doubled and for this reason, we have been

    waiting anxiously for the new launches of 5room BTO. In addition, we have also been house

    hunting for a resale 5room but was not willing to pay $800K for a 1976 run down HDB.

    On the bright side, at the very least, we still have a roof.
