Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. What do you prefer?
2. If bus drivers have shorter shifts, will more locals take up the job?
3. How we jobs be arranged for older people?

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  1. The people believe that the mediocre national self-government cannot solve many of today's complex problems because there are no Simon Cowells to bring out talents from far-flung corners or far-flung talents do not have the opportunity to be discovered.

    And it is worth recalling just how much our ancestors achieved, most of them having only received rudimentary education-our police force, legal profession,
    civil service and private enterprise.

    Today we not only have an educated workforce combined with sophisticated technology but problem-solving is just about tweaking policies or a monetary penalty. Like that everybody also can?

    Is the population in a better place now? Social ills are climbing. What does this show? Those ivory-towers needs massive buck-up or unless you are a fish to stop preaching to the people how to swim!

  2. Royal Caribbean is opening sailing to Malaysia from 30th June.
    When booking 2 months ago it was a cruise to nowhere, therefore it was only in Singapore waters.
    All of a sudden those cruises after 30th June passport validity cannot be less than 6 months validity.
    To renew passport minimum 4~6 weeks. A lot kenna stuck.

  3. According to bookings sailing to Malaysia only starts on October 21st. Till then it was a cruise to nowhere. When you have a fickle government that can change its mind anytime, the rest follows. Full stop.
