Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. What color do you prefer for an wristband (for emergency call)
2. Will you buy a wristband to have an emergency contact number?
3. Which type of wristband (emergency number) do you prefer

Vote in


  1. What is the meaning of contradiction?

    Dear Guests,
    We are excited to welcome you to the Spectrum of the Seas. As part of the Malaysia Authorities
    requirement, [ALL guests must complete the Digital Pre-Departure Travellers Card, this must be
    completed before the day of sailing.]

    Kindly take note of the following:
    [Before you join us on board, ALL guests must download, register, and activate the MySejahtera app.] Upon successful completion of the pre-departure form, the Blue Travelers Card, which can be found in the app, is required for ALL guests who wish to visit ports of call during their sailing.

    Dear Guest,
    [Guests without APP will be allowed to sail but will not be allowed to debark in Malaysia.]

    All guests must be fully vaccinated in order to debark in Malaysia. Guests who only have 2 doses of Sinovac or Sinopharm, as well as guests aged 60 and older who have not yet received their booster, are considered to be partially vaccinated by the Malaysian Government and will be required to have a booster shot in order to debark in Malaysia.

  2. Collections expanded for the current year???

    ABSD from foreigners ???
    Stamp duties from higher property prices???
    Higher COEs ???
    Higher prices for land sales???
    Upcoming higher GST???


  3. YooHoo Singapore is rich.
