Tuesday, June 28, 2022

WOTC - Replacement flat under SERS

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 48% of the respondents said that for owners affected by SERS, HDB should offer a replacement flat nearby for the same remaining tenure. 40% said that HDB should offer a compensation at 20% above the market price and let the owner find a resale flat.



  1. Good physical and mental health comes from good living in healthy homes. Poor quality homes can have a harmful effect on child development.

    The bad housing situation was designed by them. To find the answer to the solution- add more cooling measures also by them. The people are the ones who are affected by it all.

  2. What they put out is not the real thing. I received a message that my passport is ready for

    collection. I went to the website to book an appointment for collection. The website

    just go round in circles and cannot be opened. I called ICA and after holding on for half

    the hour finally got somebody to answer the phone. The reply was there is no more collection

    at ICA only at the post office. I called the post office and was told that I can earliest

    collect it the middle of next month. What a mess!!!!!! Fu8K them!!!!!!


  3. Thinking out of the box.

    Students in an advanced Biology class were taking their mid-term exam. The last question

    was, 'Name seven advantages of Mother's Milk.' The question was worth 70 points or none at

    all. One student was hard put to think of seven advantages. He wrote: 1) It is perfect

    formula for the child. 2) It provides immunity against several diseases. 3) It is always

    the right temperature. 4) It is inexpensive. 5) It bonds the child to mother and vice

    versa. 6) It is always available as needed. And then the student was stuck. Finally, in

    desperation, just before the bell rang indicating the end of the test he wrote:

    7) It comes in two attractive containers and it's high enough off the ground where the cat

    can't get it.

    He got an A+.
