Thursday, July 28, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - Fairprice

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 78% of the respondents said that Fairprice is not playing a role in moderating prices. They are increasing prices and other supermarkets are following them.


  1. New must be invented and ensure that markets serve to benefit the true interest of society.
    Too much talk not enough doing.

  2. A Riddle:Only 5% of Stanford University graduates figured it out! Can you answer all eight of the following questions with the same word?

    1. The word has seven letters….
    2. Preceded God…
    3. Greater than God…
    4. More Evil than the devil…
    5. All poor people have it…
    6. Wealthy people need it….
    7. If you eat it, you will die.
    8. If you vote for the sole candidate in 2016, majority will benefit…….

    Give up?

    .The Answer is:


    NOTHING has 7 letters.
    NOTHING preceded God.
    NOTHING is greater than God.
    NOTHING is more Evil than the devil.
    All poor people have NOTHING.
    Wealthy people need NOTHING.
    If you eat NOTHING, you will die.
    If you vote for Museveni in 2016, majority will benefit NOTHING.

  3. A country must have intelligence, care for the masses, well-meaning heads, able to make a difference in people's lives in the public service.

    They ought to be able to represent the people. Most importantly, they must have the vigor and experience to drive the nation's needs.

    We now have heads who are just too full of themselves and can do no wrong and promote themselves endlessly.

  4. Speaking only for myself and my family. This is only my judgement and I don't belong to any affiliated group.
    There is only ONE☑️ BETTERER, CHEAPERER & FASTERER politician who to my knowledge takes an interest in what he does.
    A few years ago, we saw him sitting by himself at Carl's Junior Vivo City just people-watching. He was studying families, people's profiles, their food, spending, dressing & relationships. Because we were sitting facing him, he looked like he wanted to join us to chat, not just shook hands, some waves and hellos. That profound sincerity of a political leader who took the trouble not to appear on the media for what he did but a caring soul. At
    At that time he was still a Minister.
