Sunday, July 24, 2022

WOTC - Wealth of country leaders

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 68 % of the respondents said that we should allow leaders of other countries to park their wealth here. We should treat them like any other wealthy person, as we are not able to make any judgement on how they acquire their wealth.


  1. Bring your money guys.

    Najib and all Malaysian ministers.

    Marcos tribes

    Sohartos clan and children.

    Bring your $$$$$$$$

  2. Now there is a new phone scam, they will paynow $15 or $20 to your Bank account and will send you a message saying it was accidentally sent by PayNow or Paylah to your bank account. So they will ask you transfer back. Please don’t send it back to them . This is a trap because when you transfer back to them , they can use the trick to steal your (OTP) number. They can transfer all the money of your account in a short time. Don't feel embarrassed to take the $15 or $20. When they call you to return the money, pls tell them to meet at the police station face to face and tell the policeman the money was mistakenly transferred to your account, which is the valid forwarding of the legitimate telecom provider registrar. I hope you can you can get away with this scam.
