Thursday, August 04, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Are you prepared to install a CCTV at home for remote work?
2. Employers find that many employees abuse the privilege of working at home

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  1. Mgmt by objectives. Spell out weekly or monthly targets and specific deliverables, progress updates etc.

    Doesn't matter where the employee is. He can be on Mars as long he delivers.

    If you can't define measurable targets for your employee, maybe that indicates the job is redundant or unsustainable.

  2. Happy Birthday, SGP. Here's to 57 years of good government. May you remain a world-class city with happiness, prosperity and good health.

  3. Japanese World Cup fans cleaned up the stadium after they won. Now others are doing it.
    Maybe the world isn’t so bad after all.

    Japan fans celebrate during their game against Colombia at the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Elsa/Getty Images
    After Japan surprisingly swept Colombia aside at the 2018 FIFA World Cup on Tuesday, the country’s fans did something even more shocking: They swept up after themselves.

    But cleanliness is the norm in Japan, which is why experts didn’t seem too surprised when I asked them about the fans’ behaviour.

    That doesn’t just happen in happy moments, like after a World Cup win, but even during the worst circumstances.

    “A Navy friend of mind described bringing relief supplies into northern Japan by helicopter after 3/11,” says Michael Green, a Japan expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, using shorthand for a 2011 earthquake and tsunami that killed around 22,000 people while forcing around 120,000 to evacuate their homes. “In every other disaster, the victims rushed to the helicopter in a mob. But the Japanese stood stoically in line and bowed in appreciation when the helicopter landed with food and water.”

    Takehiro Shimada, a spokesperson for the Embassy of Japan, wrote in a statement. “Since their childhood, Japanese people learn to ‘cast no dirt into the well that gives you water.

  4. While cellphones, the internet and social media connect us more than ever now, they also

    disconnect us. Time spent glued to our phones is time we are not interacting with

    other people or the world around us.

    Some people thrive in uncertain environments but the majority of us are creatures of habits

    and find changes out of control and the disruption stressful.

  5. Joke of the year

    A woman and a man are lying in bed next to each other when her phone rings.

    She picks up, and the man looks over at her and listens.

    She is speaking in a cheery voice, "Hi, I'm so glad you called. Really? That's wonderful. I'm so happy for you. That sounds terrific. Great! Thanks. Okay. Bye-bye."

    She hangs up, and the man asks, "Who was that?"

    "Oh, she replies, "that was my husband telling me about the great time he's having on his golf trip with you."

  6. Technology is convenient, making it easier for parents to monitor children in their absence.

    They can FaceTime their kids, for example, to make sure they are at home after school or doing their homework.
