Wednesday, August 03, 2022

WOTC - Foreign talents

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 53 % of the respondents said that Singapore should be open, but ensure that our locals are not placed at a disadvantage due to national service obligations.


  1. 2 people in their mid-twenties pulled a "heist" from 200 people of all ages for 30(?)
    million dollars and escaped from a country called SG without their passports.

    This is what we called Talent. No two ways about it.

  2. To control a rat infestation in the 19th century, Hanoi French colonial rulers passed a law that says for every dead rat handed over to the authorities, they would receive a reward.
    People started to breed rats, kill them and handed them to the authorities for the reward.

    That is what a rewarding country does.

  3. Mahatir might have lots of character quirks and business dealings that highly benefit his sons.

    But Malaysia has become so sloppy that at 97, he cares to come out to hopefully put things right. Salute the man.
