Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Why is the property market still strong?

I share my insignificant view.



  1. S'pore property will crash only when sinkie+PR unemployment rate hits 5+% to 6%.

    This is what happened during Asian Financial Crisis in 1998, dotcom bust & SARS from 2001 to 2003, and great financial crisis in mid-2008 to mid-2009.

    Currently sinkie+PR unemployment rate is a very low 2.9%

    And now is even harder to crash as billionaire PRCs & Hongkies are flocking here, and govt is encouraging rich people from all over the world to live & work in S'pore.

    Govt say only 3% of private property buyers were foreigners in 2020 & 2021. But that's becoz most of the world including S'pore were locked down with covid then. Now in 2022, with borders opened, there's bound to be much more than just 3%, as can be felt by the 20% rise in condo prices & rental prices since Jan 2022.

  2. We live half the year with our married son and his family in Melbourne since the grandkids

    came along in their 5-bedroom mansion with grandparents' quarters. Along that lane alone of

    11 houses, there are 6 Asian families. We only interact with 2 families from China, who could

    not even speak English. How they were qualified to enter only God knows. When my son applied

    for citizenship, he and his family had to sit for an English test even though he studied

    there. Maybe Melbourne is also trying to grab the rich to grow the economy?

  3. Sell Cluny for SGP$50 million first precaution the inheritance tax might come into play?


  4. We are a family of Permanent Residents.
    Four years ago after en-bloc, we decided to rent first, thinking and wishing that prices would drop.
    I know many of my neighbors did the same, more so for PRS for the reason of 5% ABSD.
    Regrettably, prices trended upwards.
    We bit the bullet and bought a property after a few years of looking out to buy.
    This en-bloc available to spend money could be one contributing factor pushing up prices?

  5. Simple life means more happiness.

    We have so many modern conveniences, yet our lives have become more complicated and hectic than ever. Many people want to go back to the old ways of doing things. That’s because our fast-paced lives have taken a toll on our stress and happiness levels. We continuously work to achieve higher incomes, more benefits, and rewards. But at what cost?

    Life doesn’t have to be so stressful and burdensome. However, we’ve just made it that way. More economic opportunities and innovations than almost any other country. Yet we don’t even rank in the top 10 happiest countries. Perhaps our obsession with materialism, money, and grades plays a large part in this unhappiness sweeping the nation. We often sacrifice our health and happiness just for $$$, but at some point, this comes back to bite us.

  6. This one arh, my housing agent teach me one.

    Sell our private fully paid private property and then hah, decouple.

    Use one name buy big resale HDB to stay and another name buy one small small private to get rental income.

    This type of lobang who dun want huh?

  7. This property cooling measure is justifiable and genuinely targeted.

    This good case scenario was measured why? On rare occasions zero Pay And Pay.

    Hand, Head & Heart.

    Now people cannot say, " This government is all about money."

  8. Successes are often proactive leaders who anticipate problems before they occur. This is in

    contrast reactive leaders, who struggled with issues due to

    their “wait and see” approach.

    Characteristics of Proactive Leaders

    They think long-term. Big picture thinkers. Proactive leaders spend time learning from the past and planning for the future.
    They are inspiring.
    They are great listeners and researchers.
    They are highly organized.
    They have great problem-solving skills.
    They seek advice and help when required.
    They anticipate happenings and take initiative.

    If only they have half of the above, the young would not have the tension of an untidy state of securing a flat of their choices in a timely manner. Those who are in a situation who had to sell their private to purchase public housing where big sizes (selling like hotcakes) because there is no available supply. The people are being penalized, all due to their shortcomings? A home reduces mental, physical, psychological, emotional stresses for a human being.

  9. On Oct 4, National Development Minister Desmond Lee told Parliament that the Housing and Development Board (HDB) will incur a loss of about S$270 million for a housing project in Ang Mo Kio
    Former GIC economist Yeoh Lam Keong then took to Facebook accusing the minister's statement as "disingenuous" and an "accounting sleight of hand"
    He claimed that this was merely the opportunity cost of reselling the land, not its true cost
    The Ministry of National Development said that HDB must pay the fair market value of land back to the national reserves when it takes land for building homes.

    I would say that 30% of the Singaporeans couldn't care less.
    10 say that DL is correct.?????
    60% agree with the writer and TOC????? (QUESTION MARK) I am not a fan of TOC in any way. As for myself. it should be up to the people to interpret and not only their version. People are educated and they know what they read. A big thank you to economist Yeo Lam Keong for standing together with the people. POFMA should never take sides with this article. No two ways about it. People damn tulan about housing nowadays. If they use the sledgehammer to deny that this article could be true. I am just glad that there is no such thing as riots here!!
