Sunday, September 11, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Should Singapore fly our flag at half mast to show our respect for Queen Elizabeth?
2. Should PM Lee attend the funeral of the former PM of Japan, Shintaro Abe?

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1 comment:

  1. 1. Should Singapore fly our flag at half mast to show our respect for Queen Elizabeth?
    a)History goes a long way with Britain?
    b) Our ties with them is strong?
    c) Singapore was once a British colony.
    d) A lot of Singaporeans are living, studying and working in Britain
    Out of decency and good relations with Britain, our flags should fly at half-mast

    2. Should PM Lee attend the funeral of the former PM of Japan, Shintaro Abe?
    a) PM Lee has good relations with Abe?
    b) Abe did not do bad things to our country or threats?
    c) There are Singaporeans living in Japan
    PM Lee should attend the funeral.
