Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Why do many Chinese Singaporeans support China?
2. Will the property market remain strong in Singapore?

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  1. We are a family of Permanent Residents.
    Four years ago after en-bloc, we decided to rent first, thinking and wishing that prices would drop.
    I know many of my neighbors did the same, more so for PRS for the reason of 5% ABSD.
    Regrettably, prices trended upwards.
    We bit the bullet and bought a property after a few years of looking out to buy.
    This en-bloc available to spend money could be one contributing factor pushing up prices?

  2. No silver bullet to raising salaries of lower-wage workers: DPM Wong

    Only raising GST got the silver bullet. Hooray.
