Sunday, September 18, 2022

WOTC - Royal pardon for Najib

 Wisdom of the Crowd: 50% of the respondents said that former PM Najib will receive a royal pardon within the next few months.


  1. 3 things you need to remember to keep a humble heart. 1.) It’s not how big the house is, it’s

    how happy the home is. 2.) If you haven’t been in someone’s shoes, don’t try & tell them how

    to tie their own laces. 3.) Remember, everything can vanish in a blink of an eye.

  2. Why can't carparks work like ERP? We can just drive in and out auto deductions without the stupid barrier. Once the exit payment barrier malfunction, should we drive through the barrier or just bear with all the angry honking long Q behind?

  3. People can be ugly outside and beautiful inside; beautiful outside and ugly inside.

    Ajib's wife and another one in Singapore who just sold her inherited house for $50 million are both ugly inside and outside in this part of the world. No need for slimming pills. See already lost appetite. At least the brother ugly inside but still looks like a model outside.
    A few women willing to be his mistresses for his looks and money.

  4. Sell Cluny for SGP$50 million first precaution the inheritance tax might come into play?
