Saturday, October 15, 2022

End of war in Ukraine

 My crystal ball CB said that the war in Ukraine will end by March 2023.

- Ukraine does not want to continue fighting, as most of their infrastructure are destroyed.
- The European countries are tried of supporting Ukraine, after their people suffered a freezing winter.
- America wants to focus on bringing down inflation. Biden has indicated a willingness to talk to "rationale" Putin.
- Russia continues to state that they are open to negotiations.
What will happen to the annexed regions?
CB said that Ukraine and Russia will agree to an armistice and a demilitarized zone will be set up to separate the territories that they each occupy. Russia will keep the annexed regions, but it will not be recognized by Ukraine or the western nations. This is similar to the situation between North and South Korea, which did not have any hostility for 70 years.
What if the war does not end by March 2023? CB promised to revise his prediction.

1 comment:

  1. No Ukraine War Or Covid Means No Scapegoat Whenever Things Go Wrong. They Would Have Nothing To Blame.
