Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Will Lee Hsien Yang stand for election as President in 2023?
2. What is Lee Hsien Yang's chance if he stands for election as President in 2023.

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  1. He is aware of several outcomes.

    They might try to insert new clauses with hard lines like...applicants must possess good character...anyone who is found to have multiple mistresses will be disqualified.

    Look what happened to our dear TCB. Unless something we were not aware of... he did not have multiple mistresses... and even he did not qualify.

  2. Know your child's limits and mental power. Do not push them to seek comfort in the hands of self-harm, drugs or alcohol.

  3. Why the poor and illiterate are much happier people;
    There is no interference in competition about COES , ABSD, no background noise, no comparison with others, no fear of failure, no worries about what others think of them, no internet, no mobile phone to take over their lives and no constantly upgrading. They live in a small universe and are worry-free.
