Monday, November 07, 2022

Call someone by phone

 Be considerate when you call someone by phone.


  1. I wouldn't mind rude as long as you can get someone to answer the phone at the other end, instead of listening to recorded messages and music for half hour. After half an hour recorded messages that all their operators are busy and to visit their website www... Services are none existent and feedback has gotten no reply. No wonder people seemed so uptight everywhere you go and fights are commonplace. I cannot wait for the People's Avoid Party(PAP) to disappear in the next election, life has become extremely frustrating!

  2. Have you ever tried calling a hotline and it was engaging tone for 24 hours, 5 days week. When you go to the office/company, they told you they don't take walk-ins. Cannot fathom why this office/company existed in the first place?
