Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues


1. Should Singapore abolish the mandatory death sentence for drug offences?
2. Why does Richard Branson decline the rebate with minister Shanmugam?

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1 comment:

  1. Most often than not, we know that drugs are coming into this country and that is for sure.
    Today with all the sophisticated tech, they are unable to find ways to stop it from coming in.
    The only know-how solution is the death penalty. We are now in our 57th year. Has the death penalty eradicated drug problems permanently? If it did, I think the world would have nothing to say because the death penalty work.
    I know a lot of my gay friends are taking drugs. They even know where to get their fix.
    Don't ever think that with the death penalty, everything is wonderful.
    That is the kind of highly-paid tongue-twister ministers we have today, most of them are not in touch with the ground.
