Monday, November 21, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. Do you trust the SG government to act in the best interest of the people?
2. How important is freedom of speech?

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  1. The Only Protection I Have In This Country Right Now Is Not Being Shot In The Public By Firearms And Guns. Other Than That We Need To Be Self Reliant, Vigilant And Look After Ourselves Because No One Else Would. The Kind Of Country We Live In Presently. Only Know How To Give Handouts In Bits And Pieces To Supplement Their Inadequacy And Complacency.

  2. Do you trust the SG government to act in the best interest of the people?

    1) Lives in huge fancy houses.
    Homes of ordinary people are contracting.

    2)Criticise the Worker's Party for being quiet regarding 377.
    The annoyance of complaints about large organizations(SIA) had been up. Did anyone from PAP
    speak up???

    3) Nationalists who speak up for the people or country are often shot down. Yet no people from the ruling party spoke up for the people when things go wrong. And if they were to speak up it was always defensive and pushing blame.

    Increasing well-educated, well-travelled and technologically sophisticated citizens cannot and will not be treated like deaf, dumb and stupid.

  3. Late Lee Kuan Yew had his flaws. One thing you cannot deny credit to him was he did not just target the oppositions. Even if you are PAP, and if you do not perform, you are also targeted. You might score brownie points with your boss for just targeting the oppositions but you lose credibility with the people. Tio Bo. Are they here to serve the country or to serve your boss? Impress the boss first so you get pang cham. Lai dat I also can.

  4. MOH is doing a good job. I received an SMS inviting me for the Pneumococcal vaccine to prevent serious infections from the bacteria. I was not aware of it. Thank You, MOH.
