Tuesday, December 27, 2022

China stocks in 2023

 I have a large investment in China stocks. I monitor the China economy closely.

The China stocks were affected badly by the covid restrictions during 2022. Many of the stocks were undervalued. They are likely to do well when the China economy recovers. When will this happen?

China has now relaxed its covid restrictions and open up its economy. It is going through a large wave of covid infections. The western media reported that it caused a major breakdown of the health care system and large number of deaths.

From other sources, mostly from China but include some external sources, I conclude that the reports from the western media were grossly exaggerated and perhaps malicious.

The covid infections were indeed widespread, but the infections were mild. The virus had indeed spread rapidly through many parts of China, but many people have already been infected and recovered.

I expect that most people will no longer fear the virus and life will return to normal soon. The economy will recover faster than expected.

I will watch the China stocks to see if my assessment is correct.

Tan Kin Lian


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