Thursday, December 08, 2022

Hyflux could have been saved

 Hyflux, the Singapore icon in the water desalination industry, went bankrupt in May 2018. Their financial problem was caused mainly because they signed a long term gas contract at fixed prices and the electricity market collapsed due to oversupply of gas.

If they were able to tide over this period, Hyflux would have been very profitable today.
Over 34,000 shareholders and bond holders, mostly small investors in Singapore, would have kept their investments intact. It was shortsighted for the government and financial community to allow Hyflux to fail.
This is just a personal opinion - not suitable for POFMA.

1 comment:

  1. If you watch foreigners or PRS asked on talk shows or news channels to give talks, they also scared POFMA or lose their jobs, they normally give good reviews, especially if they are from NUS or government link entities. The worse ones are normally from third-world countries such as India.
