Sunday, December 18, 2022

Relaxing the covid restrictions

Recently, the China authority relaxed the covid restrictions rather hastily, in response to the large scale protests by residents against the strict restrictions (practiced over three years).

They have have managed the relaxation differently, and prepare the people for the change.

I give this suggestion with the benefit of hindsight. This is how they could have managed the change.

1. They should announce that the relaxation would be implemented in 2 weeks time. This would allow the residents to prepare for the change.

2. They should distribute the necessary medication and test kits to the residents. This would avoid the rush by residents to overstock the supplies and leave nothing for the late comers.

3. They should educate the residents about the possible outcomes, namely:

a) The virus could spread, but they are likely to be mild and not cause much harm
b) The virus would be more severe than expected, in which case, the covid restrictions would be reimposed.

4. They can advise the residents to continue with their personal protection, but it would be voluntary.

By giving 14 days notice of the change, the residents would be better prepared to face the possible outcomes in a calm manner.

I do not know if the China authority had indeed taken the above measures before relaxing the restrictions. Anyway, I just want to give this opinion based on my limited knowledge.

Tan Kin Lian

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