Saturday, December 24, 2022

Wisdom of the Crowd - New Issues

1. How should wages for each job be determined?
2. What will happen to the covid infection in China?

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  1. Bank's CEO entitlement is $10 million annually.

    Security guard entitlement is estimated at $25 thousand annually.

    Their only difference was their paper qualifications.

    Temasek's salary was a close book secret.

  2. “From birth to age 18, a girl needs good parents, from 18 to 35 she needs good looks, from 35 to 55 she needs a good personality, and from 55 on she needs cash.”
    – Sophie Tucker

  3. I feel disgusted that when you eat out at food courts, and some hawker centres, most tables are filthy.
    They used to bring your food. Now is self-service.
    Now we not only have to clear the tray but also clean the tables.
    What next?

  4. Enjoy Your Life
    One day you will die. That is the absolute truth of being human.

    Our life on earth is actually very short and we don’t control when we leave.

    So enjoy your life in the present moment. Spend more time being grateful and happy with your life than being sad or anxious about it. Spend time doing things that you enjoy and with people that you love.

    Don’t take your life and body for granted because one day you will not be alive to appreciate it.

    Be in the present moment, stop being so future-oriented. Nothing is permanent and everything changes. So enjoy the ride! You don’t need to control everything.

    Life is not meant to be something is that is figured out.

    Life is something to be enjoyed and experienced (with all the highs and lows)!
