Sunday, January 01, 2023

Singapore policy changes - 2023

 These policy changes will take effect from 2023.

1. GST rate up by one percentage point
2. GST extended to imported low-value goods
3. Increased property tax rates
4. Lower childcare fees at government-supported pre-schools
5. Increased CPF contribution rates for those aged 55 to 70
6. Greater flexibility in transferring CPF savings
7. Mandatory rest days for migrant domestic workers
8. Quota for S Pass holders to be cut for certain sectors


  1. Crime is on the rise. Was with comrades @ MARQUEE last night celebrating the New Year. There were episodes of two fights. Ambulances and police were called in.

  2. Peace of mind is invaluable.
    Nowadays, we don't have that peace of mind in whatever we do.

  3. Some restaurants have a scheme during weekends that limits seating to two 2 sessions for maximum 2 hours- 5.30pm to 7.30pm or 7.45pm to 9.45pm. Maximise space and profits. They let you know when you do the booking. If you choose to do walk-ins, you take the risk of no tables.

    A lot of public spaces have done away with no-smoking as a compromise to the health of non-smokers and children.

    Is a known fact that where there is alcohol, there is trouble. Yet there is no limit as to how many drinks an individual is allowed to buy and consume in bars and clubs. Collection of GST?
